In 1999, a frightening occurrence occurred at the Littleton, Colorado. While, two senior understudies assert that they needed to praise the life of their legend Adolf Hitler.
In accordance with that they had a thought to have a shootout at the Columbine High School where 12 understudies were killed.
One of the casualties was Rachel Joy Scott why should known be a religious young person who simply needed to demonstrate every one of the general population that the world is great.
Rachel was outside the school grass having lunch with her companion Richard Castaldo when the suspect Eric David Harris went to her and was requesting that her deny her God.
However, Rachel was resolved to put every one of the things that were transpiring confidence. She asserts that she is not embarrassed that she has faith in God.
Her passing turned into a misfortune for everybody. The auto that she cleared out on the parking garage turned into a landmark and every one of the general population that cherishes her composed on her casket as a last message for her.
In accordance with that they had a thought to have a shootout at the Columbine High School where 12 understudies were killed.
One of the casualties was Rachel Joy Scott why should known be a religious young person who simply needed to demonstrate every one of the general population that the world is great.
Rachel was outside the school grass having lunch with her companion Richard Castaldo when the suspect Eric David Harris went to her and was requesting that her deny her God.
However, Rachel was resolved to put every one of the things that were transpiring confidence. She asserts that she is not embarrassed that she has faith in God.
Her passing turned into a misfortune for everybody. The auto that she cleared out on the parking garage turned into a landmark and every one of the general population that cherishes her composed on her casket as a last message for her.
Source: I'm Not Ashamed
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