you're hella gay, im hella str8, but you're like my brother so be my d8?

Straight guy asked his gay best friend to prom
Straight guy asked his gay best friend to prom

Prom is probably the most awaited night of every high  school student. The girls are probably excited about what to wear, who to go with, what to do with their hair because those were girl things. But prom is a whole lot different thing for a guy who doesn't have a date because he is not straight.

This guy from Las Vegas did the most unexpected thing that a best friend could ever do. He is Jacob Lescenski he made a huge banner to ask his gay best friend to prom.

This whole prom thingy started on twitter when Anthony Martinez, the best friend of Jacob Lescenski posted a tweet saying that he just wanted a guy as a date to prom. And surprisingly, his best friend Jacob asked him to prom in the most unique way.

Jacob asked Anthony as a date to Prom
Jacob asked Anthony as a date to Prom

Jacob really made Anthony happy by asking him to prom. After the surprise, they immediately hugged each other as a sign that they are both happy.

Since Anthony Martinez is very proud to have his gay best friend as his prom date, he shared the good news in his different social media accounts.

source: unilad,buzzfeed

If you were Jacob, would you do the same thing to fulfill your guy best friend's dream? Share us your thoughts!

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