Eight drug trafficking convicts from several countries were executed by the Indonesian firing squad on Wednesday, but the Filipino who was on death row was miraculously spared from execution at the last minute.

Mary Jane Veloso has been spared from execution by the Indonesian Government.

The Filipinos who were holding a vigil outside the Indonesian Embassy in Manila cheered and clapped upon hearing the good news!

"We are relieved that the execution of Mary Jane Veloso was not carried out tonight," said the Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose early Wednesday in a briefing.

However, VP Binay said that Mary Jane Veloso was spared because of the prayers given by the Filipino people and the work done by the Philippine Government.

A spokesman for Indonesia's Attorney General's Office said that the execution of Mary Jane Veloso was postponed after the recruiter who tricked her to bring the suitcase with 2.6 kilograms of heroin to Indonesia, Maria Kristina Sergio  turned herself in to authorities on Tuesday.

Because of this, Pres. Widodo had called for an emergency meeting with his officials on Tuesday afternoon to discuss Veloso's case. Before this meeting, Pres. Benigno Aquino III proposed to the Indonesian Government to turn Mary Jane Veloso into a witness for them to easily solve the case and for the easy identification of the suspects.

“We presented [to Indonesia] that it seems to serve both of our interests to keep her [Veloso] alive to be able to testify and serve the ends of justice for both our concerns,” Aquino told reporters in Malaysia.

Because of this, Mary Jane Veloso was spared from execution and will be a witness in return.


Do you agree that what happened to Mary Jane Veloso was really a miracle? Share us your thoughts!

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