Unfortunately, this referee experienced the greatest punch of his life from this short-tempered boxer. Watch how this boxer knocked down a referee which sanctioned him a lifetime suspension.
Croatian boxer Vido Loncar knocked down a referee at the European Youth Championship after losing against Lithuanian boxer Algirdas Baniulis. Reports say that Loncar was disgusted with referee Magej Dziurgot’s decision which caused the boxer to do the wrong act.

sorc: youtube

As a result, the National Boxing Federation (NDF) decided to sanction Loncar with lifetime boxing suspension. Furthermore, the Croatian Federation issued an apology to worldwide boxing bodies that include the World Boxing Organization (WBO) and the European Boxing Federation (EBF). The Croatian Federation also gave their sincerest apologies to the family of the referee who was knocked down by Loncar.

Other than being suspended for a lifetime, Loncar is now detained in custody after the attack. On the other hand, the referee who was very lucky by just suffering from minor injuries was immediately sent to the hospital.

According to Marko Marovic, this incident was the worst thing that had happened and a big shame for Zagreb and Croatia which destroyed the image of Croatia in boxing.

Apart from Loncar’s lifetime boxing ban, the executive board of Croatian Boxing Federation decided to also suspend the trainers who were at the ringside during the terrible event.

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